chip Hotel restaurant La Marine Port de Mogueriec

Verblijf, Verhuur, Hotel-restaurant dans le Finistère

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Hotel restaurant La Marine Port de Mogueriec

LA MARINE La Marine port de Mogueriec 29250 Sibiril (Finistère)
Tel : 02 98 29 99 52  - Fax : 02 98
Site bekijken LA MARINE accomodates you with its plates of seafood and its lobsters drawn alive from their fish pond. Roasted lobster speciality. Rooms at moderate prices. Bar, terrace with plays (billiards, darts .....)
  • **TPictos-Hébergement**
  • Restauratie
  • Bar
  • Parkeerplaats
  • **TPictos-Animaux admis**
  • **TPictos-Télévision**
Contact Hotel restaurant La Marine Port de Mogueriec

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